Homesearch Blog

3 important points for the ultimate prospecting plan

Dec 1, 2022 2 min to read

There are three points that are absolutely crucial to building the ultimate prospecting plan. You need to:

  1. Be clear about your offer
    Service is your biggest differentiator. People buy into people, because moving is a stressful process. You can be the person that they trust to guide them through it.
  2. Beware of the law of replacement
    What goes out must come in, ideally x2. So sell one property and instruct two more to keep your pipeline healthy. If you don’t, you’re effectively going backwards.
  3. Examine your limitations
    The best place to start is to figure out your limitations. Why are you not getting as many instructions as you’d like? Which of these reasons are within your control? What can you do to change that?

The actions you take to improve your prospecting plan should be based on your own strengths and weaknesses. So once you’ve looked at these areas, you should be able to put together a plan to keep you bringing in consistent leads to nurture and follow up.