Homesearch Blog

49 days to sell? Not with these strategies

Jun 6, 2023 9 min to read

Selling a home for the best price in the shortest possible time has always been the priority for both agent and seller. 

In a recent article on Property Industry Eye, it was stated that “the average length of time to sell is at a 10 year high”. 49 days to be exact.

It’s important to note that this is the average length of time it takes to find a buyer. Not the only length of time. There are still deals being done in much less (and much more) time.

In a market where speed ends up mattering, it’s crucial for agents to employ effective strategies to expedite the sales process. Here are several proven tactics that estate agents can utilise to help their clients sell their homes faster than the average.


Enhance Curb Appeal:

First impressions matter, and improving the curb appeal of a home can significantly impact its marketability. Encourage your clients to invest in small exterior upgrades, such as landscaping, fresh paint, and a well-maintained entry-way. These enhancements create an inviting atmosphere that attracts potential buyers and sets the stage for a positive viewing experience. They also help make your photography pop when compared to the other dreary instructions they’re being compared to.


Professional Staging:

Consider partnering with professional home stagers to showcase the property’s full potential. Staging involves rearranging furniture, decluttering, and adding tasteful decor to create an appealing and welcoming environment. A well-staged home not only helps buyers visualise themselves living in the space but also makes online listings more captivating, increasing the likelihood of attracting interested buyers. The best homes are always in showroom condition for the buyer. And showroom homes get show stopping offers.


Strategic Pricing:

The asking price is merely a mechanism to get more buyers through the front door. Correctly pricing a property from the start is vital to generate interest and encourage competitive offers. Conduct a comprehensive market analysis and work closely with sellers to determine a realistic (key word) and competitive (even more key word, homes are not on the market in isolation, they are on the market in competition) price. 

Overpricing will only serve to deter potential buyers. Striking the right balance ensures maximum exposure, interest and competitive tension – all of which lead to a quicker sale.


Targeted Marketing:

Utilise various marketing channels to reach a wide range of potential buyers. Alongside traditional methods like signage, brochures, and newspaper advertisements, focus on digital platforms such as social media, real estate websites, and email marketing campaigns. Leverage the power of targeted online advertising to reach specific demographics and generate interest in the property.


Open Homes:

If you haven’t stopped reading after this suggestion then thank you. Open homes help you build the buzz around a home. When more than one buyer is in a property at once it creates energy around the sale and will help you negotiate with less of the uncertainty that many buyers experience when an agent tells them other people are ‘interested’. 

Ensure the property is immaculate and staged to perfection. Be prepared to answer questions, provide information about the neighbourhood, and highlight the property’s unique selling points. 


Bringing it all together, while the average length of time to sell a home has blown out since the post-covid boom days, it’s pretty close to where it was prior and there’s plenty you can do as an estate agent to speed up the sale process for your clients.