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across England, Wales and Scotland?
Capture leads and start client journeys sooner
Lessen your dependence on portals and deliver a superior search experience to your sellers, landlords, buyers and tenants that even Rightmove, Zoopla and others can't offer.
Covers 100% of the UK residential property market
Homesearch is one of the biggest data companies in England and holds two thirds more data than our nearest competitor. We hold over 24 billion points of data across every region, district, town, village and postcode. With coverage across over 30m properties, 1.1m+ sales & 550k+ rental transactions per year and over 500k new data points each month.
Insights at your finger tips
Master your local market like never before with new data insights and market statistics, resulting in more informed conversations with your clients and increased customer satisfaction.
Trusted data
Benefit from substantial checks and processes that ensure our data’s quality. It is the only place where you will find data on all 29.5 million homes across England, Scotland and Wales. It’s this data coupled with our technology that gives our clients their edge.